Bіlіm іzdegen óser. » КГУ "Школа-гимназия №201"
Municipal public
public institution
"Gymnasium school №201"
Education Department of Almaty
Reception room :
+7(727) 231-77-37
+7(72) 265-97-77
Version for
visually impaired

Bіlіm іzdegen óser.

Our students are as hardworking as bees "Work hard and be happy" is their «MOTTO»
As teachers, our purpose is to help them: to improve their spelling, to increase vocabulary and to develop correct English Usage. That’s why "SPELLING BEE" competition was organized by our English teacher. Our outstanding speller bees: Alibek Aitolkyn (4 th grade), Nurbolgan Erasayl (5th grade), Tolepbergen Sabina (6th grade), Sailaubek Aruzhan (7th grade). And we congratulate our winners, so wish them further prosperity and luck in learning English. Also, we would like to invite all pupils and students of our school-gymnasium to continue to participate in all competitions and improve the level of English competence.

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